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a b o u t  d y a n

Dyan tajudin (b.2001, Singapore) is an artist born in singapore, a graduating fine arts diploma students majoring in painting at lasalle college of the arts singapore. her inspiration is mainly drawn from manga illustrations in which she enjoys reading, leading her to create 'morbid' artworks.  Dyan mainly works with oil paintings, ink and illustrations.

she began her interest in art when she was on a vacation in indonesia where an artist was going around sketching portraits of tourists. she was being tutored by her neighbour who was coincidentally an artist and she began creating artworks often. she began to pursue her love for painting and drawing in her tertiary education. 

a r t i s t  s t a t e m e n t


dyan tajudin (b.2001, Singapore) is an artist born in singapore and a graduating fine art student majoring in painting at lasalle college of the arts. she uses painting and drawing as a way of expressing her emotions and some inspired by reading manga. pursuing her love for art in tertiary education has allowed her to get her hands on different genres in art. 

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